Let's Outlaw School Speed Zones
I'm going to say something controversial, but, remember, I'm warning you in advance. I don't want to hear from you about how mad I made you, or how stupid you think I am. Send your complaints to Bill Clinton. He feels your pain. We Need To Get Rid Of School Speed Zones! Now hold it, hold it. Stay with me. I'm not suggesting you let Richard Gere baby-sit your pet gerbil. What I am suggesting is these days kids seem to have lost their natural instinct for self-preservation. Every time I drop my darling daughter off at a high school I won't name (although I will admit it's also the name of my favorite Electric Light Orchestra album) I notice that male fashion seems to be frozen in the 90's. With pants hanging way too low, baseball caps worn every which way but forward, and urban fashion that was dated when Grandmaster Flash released the first rap single. ...