What To Do, What To Do?
During my last conversation with President Barack Obama, the man who once saved my life in 'Nam, he asked me how things were going at the El Paso Times. "If the newspaper business were a totem pole," I told him, "I'd be the section dogs like to mark their territory on." He laughed. It was good to hear him relax for a moment. We did four tours in 'Nam together, and he always looked to me to perk him up when he was feeling low. "When we get out of this jungle," he promised, "I'm going to the top and I'm taking you with me." "You keep on talking, B.O. That's what you do best." "That's my problem. I've got vision, and the rest of the world wears bi-focals." But I digress. The reason he called me to Washington was he was stymied by the economy, and he thought that I could perhaps add...