Whitney Houston's Funeral
First Don Cornelius, then Etta James, and now Whitney Houston... this has been the worst Black History Month ever . When I was first asked by Jet magazine to fly to New Jersey to cover Ms. Houston's funeral, I was enraged. I'm an original gangsta from Compton. As an urban militant and former member of The Inkspots, I found this kind of pop culture news reportage beneath me, especially in a time when if a black man goes to court looking for justice, that's all he finds... just us . However, as a gay man, I thought it would be fabulous. So I called my dear friend, George Takei, and asked him what I should wear to the affair. "Black," he said, inscrutibly, "is the new black." "George," I told him, "black sucks." "Honey," he replied, "Uhura's black. So if that were true, I'd still be straight." ...