What's In A Name?
I can't say I understand Muslim extremists who threaten death to all who disrespect their holy prophet Mohammad, but I do understand their objection to that disrespect. That's why I can't comprehend why so many Muslims are named Mohammad. Wouldn't naming an unworthy human Mohammad be the most supreme of insults to said prophet? To be honest, I don't care for anybody naming their child after any particular deity. I find that incredibly offensive. Not to mention a burden. When you name your son Jesus, for example, you've doomed him to failure. No matter his accomplishments, he'll always be a far second to his namesake. Myself, I've given each of my children the first name of "Doctor." That way they can set up a medical practice without the costly inconvenience of actually going to medical school. They all specialize in "referrals." For example, when a patient come...