The Week In Tweets: Special Election 2020 Edition!
Fake News Reports! About last night's debate... If I wanted to see two old people argue, I'd go visit my parents. FIVE Of Vice-President Mike Pence's Aides Have Tested POSITIVE For The Coronavirus! Five aides and one fly. San Francisco Becomes A National Leader In The Slowing Of Covid-19! "And they said letting the homeless poop in the streets was a bad idea," a vindicated Nancy Pelosi babbles smugly. Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Reveals President Trump's Secret Plan To Suppress Democrat Voters By Leaving Banana Peels Outside Of Voting Booths For Them To Slip On! Political Racist Don Lemon Admits On His CNN Show To Dumping Friends Whose Political Beliefs Don't Agree With His! "Yeah, I'm that kind of guy," he sniffs. Political Racist Chelsea Handler Brags To The Tonight Show 's Jimmy Fallon On NBC That She Had To Remind Thug Rapper & Trump Supporter 50 Cent "That He Was Black"...