The Week In Tweets: Special Get Your Shot Edition!
Fake News Reports! Hoping To Heal A Fractured Nation, President Joe Biden Calls For Unity With "The Racist Scum Who Populate Half The Country"! Merck Pharmaceutical Company Is Halting Its Coronavirus Vaccine Development Program! "We'll just keep the money the government's already given us," a spokesman laughs, all the way to the bank. Due To COVID-19 Hardships, 65% Of Nursing Homes Worry That They May Have To Close Down For Good! "C'mon, man!" a cranky Joe Biden scolded the American people. "Take care of your own damn parents!" Joe Biden Promises To Throw Out The Trump COVID-19 Plan Of Masking, Vaccinations, & Travel Bans And Replacing Them With The BIDEN Plan Of Masking, Vaccinations, & Travel Bans! Aren't you just plagiarizing the Trump Plan? "C'mon, man!" A well-behaved man may not always make history, but he'll always make dinner. SFGate Reports That The Coats Worn By Kamala Harris' Great-Niece...