Texas Kicks New York's ASS!
I guess it's up to me to defend Texas. Roy Bragg of the San Antonio Express-News, the newspaper known for having a dash between Express and News, was kind enough to inform me that faux New Yorker Lewis Black has declared war. On me. On my state. On my fellow Texans. He and his snooty cohorts at The Daily Show, have made a 2:22 hour video slamming our great state. It's not really 2:22 hours long, it just feels that way. It's actually 2:22 minutes. Which is 2:22 of the longest minutes you'll ever have to sit through. If you want to watch it, you can go to We'reSmarterThanYou.com and watch what they, with much creativity and originality, call "F*** Texas." If you do see it, just be sure to wash your eyes out with bleach afterward. (That was a joke. Whatever you do, DON'T wash your eyes out with bleach. You'll go blind. Do you really want that awful video to be the last thing you saw? I didn't think so.) ...