Happy 10th Birthday, iPhone!
I, Phone originally published 8-19-11 As someone who's seen the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey about a dozen times (and still falls asleep about midway through it) I can't help but be impressed by this new miracle of technology called the iPhone. Even George Jetson would be impressed. I was there for the presentation, and you might think you know what it can do, but, trust me, you don't know a fraction of what it really can do. Sure, you can run an infinity of apps on it, but would you believe that the iPhone responds to--and responds back with--verbal commands? This, however, is probably something that Steve Jobs would rather keep a secret between him and his cabal. "Wow," I said, gently holding a sample iPhone in my hands. "You're pretty sweet." "Thank you," it answered, with a soft, feminine voice. "You're not so bad yourself." ...