The Week In Oscar Aftermath Tweets!

Downtown El Paso's tourists and shoppers will now have to PAY for parking on Saturdays!
"Running the government is hard work," explains one elected official. "We're doing all we can to ruin everybody's business."
I think of you often.
Assuming that thinking of you thinking of me counts as thinking of you.
My father always said:
"There is no such thing as a stupid question. Just a stupid person asking that question."
Look at ALL that beautiful snow!
I wonder how long it will take me to start complaining about it?
Things To Do Today:
1) Do TWICE as much today as I did yesterday.
What I did yesterday:
zero times two equals zero
Movie Review!
Black Panther!
Breaking Box Office Records!
As well as records for most yelling at the screen while the movie is playing.
Movie Review!
Black Panther!
Breaking All Kinds Of Records!
$1 BILLION Worldwide!
$10 at the concession stands.
This Just In!
Matt Damon! Sean Penn! Ben Affleck!
And the REST of phony Hollywood!
Are all fiercely pro-gun-control!
Does this mean they'll refuse to make movies featuring guns and/or extreme violence?
"We mean gun control for YOU."
Oscar Aftermath!
Best Actress Frances McDormand DEMANDS Inclusion Riders!
"Hey! Why isn't anyone hiring me anymore?"
Oscar Aftermath!
Best Actress Frances McDormand DEMANDS Inclusion Riders!
You bet'cha.
We'll start with the Coen Brothers.
"Hey! You leave my husband out of this!"
Oscar Aftermath!
Who won Best Actor in Feigning Ignorance of Hollywood's Long History of Sexual Misconduct?
This Just In!
The View's Joy Behar Apologizes To Vice President Pence For Anti-Religion Comment!
"I've learned my lesson. Just because I think people who believe in God are stupid, I shouldn't say it."
American Chimpanzee


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