The Week In Tweets: Special Scrotie McBoogerballs Edition!

Hollywood Confidential
The writers confess in their new Star Wars movie Solo, that the flirty Lando Calrissian is GAY!
"It's always the black guy," laments the NAACP.
Hollywood Confidential
The writers confess in their new Star Wars movie Solo, that the flirty Lando Calrissian is GAY!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that," jokes Jerry Seinfeld, to canned laughter.
Hollywood Confidential
The writers confess that the flirty Lando Calrissian in their new Solo movie is GAY, causing George Lucas to roll over in his grave.
"But I'm not dead," the Star Wars creator insists.
"Oh, you will be," says a cryptic Yoda. "You will be,"
I just heard Meghan Markle was one of the original Deal Or No Deal briefcase models on NBC. Ever hear of her?
I think she was in the news recently.
"Do you hear 'Yanny' or 'Laurel'? Because what I hear is 'Kill the phonies!'"
--Holden Caulfield
Did you hear?
Meghan Markle was one of the original briefcase models on NBC's hit game show Deal Or No Deal!
Not her, the other one.
Is it just me, or are the Kardashians starting to look like space aliens pretending to be human?
This Just In!
Khalid Wins Billboards "Best New Artist" Award!
I know you're a DJ, and I've seen you perform, but I still don't know just what it is you do.
"Neither do I," he admits.
Last year a giant sinkhole opened up at Mira Lago.
This year, two giant sinkholes open up at the White House.
"I'll get you yet!" swears Satan.
This Just In!
The legendary 7'1" Basketball Player Shaquille O'Neal Is Selling His 31,000 Square Foot Mansion in Orlando, Florida for 28 MILLION Dollars! The only problem is...
It smells like a 7'1" basketball player.
American Chimpanzee


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