The Week In Tweets: Special Double-RIP Edition!

Success 101:
An ounce of gold cannot buy a second of time.
Things That Make Me Go Hmm...
Why aren't there any FAT vampires?
Economist: Someone who doesn't have the personality to be an accountant.
A galss of wine at night may decrease the risk of heart attacks, but it INCRREASES the risk of pregnancy.
I may look like a frog, but I'm really an enchanted prince. You can break the spell... giving me your credit card number.
Sports Fan: Someone who yells at an athlete for being an idiot, and then can't find his own car in the parking lot after the game.
I've eaten so much I can't move.
Not that I planned to.
Things That Make Me Go Hmm...
You know what I never see?
I never see a fat guy who's old.
The Good Old Days
A time when my hair had more body, and my body had less hair.
American Chimpanzee


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