Beto O'Rourke Apologizes... For EVERYTHING!

"I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry. Really sorry. Really, really, really sorry. You don't know how sorry I am. How sorry am I? I am SO sorry. So, so, so, SO sorry. I couldn't be more sorry. I'm just so sorry. So incredibly sorry. Sorry doesn't even begin to express how sorry I am. It's not possible for me to be any sorrier. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest, I am on the tenth level of sorriness. If I were one of Spinal Tap's amps, I would be set at eleven, because eleven is one more than ten. You couldn't find anyone sorrier than I am right now. Because I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. 'Knock, knock!' Who's there? 'Justin.' Justin who? 'Justin case I haven't made my point, I'm sorry.' Completely sorry. Absolutely sorry. An infinity of sorry. Infinity plus infinity times infinity. If you look up the word sorry in the dictionary, you won't find a picture of me, but you'll see a picture of Jesus pointing to a picture of me and saying, 'He's sorry.' That's how sorry I am. If I was Indiana Jones, sorry would be the huge boulder rolling down the cave after me. I am the Darth Vader of sorry. The Wrath of Kahn of sorry. The Plan 9 From Outer Space of sorry. What would you find in Dante's Seventh Circle of Hell? Me. Being sorry. It's not you, it's me. Okay, it's you. Not really, it's me. And I'm sorry. Really, I am. Sorry, that is."
American Chimpanzee


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