The Week In Tweets: Special I-Want-Some Edition!

In school, it's not that I wasn't interested.
It's that my teachers weren't all that interesting.
Success 101:
The secret to succeeding more?
Failing less!
I know I say I don't like saying "I told you so," but, the truth is...
I LOVE saying "I told you so!"
Why was Nancy Pelosi Reading "Mein Kampf" during President Trump's State of the Union address?
The Bible says "The truth shall set you free," but all the truth's ever done for me is gotten me in trouble.
Fake News Reports!
Beto O'Rourke Raises A Record 6.1 Million Dollars in 24 hours!
"And THAT was just from my billionaire father-in-law," he gesticulates.
Fake News Reports!
Democrats, Led By Nancy Pelosi, Are Pushing For The Voting Age To Be Lowered To 16!
Whatever these idiots are on...
Fake News Reports!
After The Recent Mass Shooting, The Citizens Of New Zealand Are Willingly Turning In Their Guns To The Government, Honoring A Request From Their Prime Minister!
...and were immediately invaded by Armed Kangaroo Commandos from Australia.
Why are soldiers always tired on April 1st?
Because they've just got done with a 31-day March
 American Chimpanzee


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