The Week In Tweets: Special The-Shadow-Knows Edition!

Forgive and Forget, is what I always say...
...but what I'm really thinking is "Never forget a slight and plot your revenge accordingly."
The downside to being lazy and unemployed is, from the second I wake up, I'm immediately at work.
What did the right eye say to the left eye?
"Something between us smells."
Me: "Doctor, it hurts when I bend my knee."
My Doctor: "Then don't bend your knee."
I do just fine without my morning coffee.
It's everybody around me who suffers.
The Super Bowl is the only bowl my mother doesn't try to clean.
I like to let my mind wander.
It's as close to exercising as I'm gonna get.
Ther4 is something about a closet that makes a skeleton terribly restless.
Vengeance helps me forgive.
Things That Make Me Go Hmm:
If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two arms?
American Chimpanzee


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