The Further Adventures Of Kate & José: A Hawaiian Brouhaha

José was still in Hawaii and wanted to walk along the beach, but he was shy about putting on a pair of swim trunks.
     “I’m kind of small down there,” he complained to the concierge.
     “I understand completely,” the concierge told him, holding his hand out for a tip. “What you do is stuff a potato in your trunks. The women will run to you screaming in excitement.”
     And that’s exactly what José did. He put on his swim trunks, stuffed an extra-large Idaho potato down there, and walked out to the pool to test it out.
     No one noticed him at first, so José decided to dive into the clear, blue water. He swam over to the edge and pulled himself out... and that's when the shit hit the fan.
     The women ran, all right, but they ran away from José , screaming in horror. Some even throwing up by the side of the pool.

     Those were the models.
     Hotel employees ran to the area, trying to determine what the brouhaha was about. The concierge immediately recognized the non-tipper José.
     “What happened, haole?” the concierge asked him.
     “I did exactly what you said,” José told him. “I put a potato in my trunks to impress the ladies, just like you recommended, but they ran away in panic instead.”
     The concierge took a look.
     “You stupid moke,” the concierge laughed. “You were supposed to put the potato in the FRONT!”

American Chimpanzee


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