The Week In Tweets: Special Impeachable Me Edition!

Donald Trump Is So Smart one's ever had to tell him the saying "If at first you don't succeed..."!
...he can lead a horse to water AND make it drink!
...he never says "Who's your daddy?"
He KNOWS the answer.
...he's never had to read a book!
He only has to hold the book in his John Henry-sized hands to absorb its contents.
...speaking of books, he CAN judge a book by its cover!
...he once stared ignorance in the face, and ignorance backed down!
...when he goes to Las Vegas he doesn't count cards, he counts his winnings!
...when you look up the word "smart" in the dictionary you'll find a photograph of Albert Einstein...
...POINTING at a picture of Donald Trump!
...he's not politically correct!
He's just correct.
...when Descartes said "I think, therefore I am," he meant "I think, therefore I am...
...not as smart as Trump"!
American Chimpanzee
*a tip of the hat to Ian Spector*


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