The Week In Tweets: Special Fight For Life Edition!

Fake News Reports!
  Presidential Wannabe Joe Biden Has Reached Out To President Trump And Offered His Help In Coming Up With A Coronavirus Battle Plan!
And how much pandemic experience do you have, Joe?
...that's what I thought.
Presidential Wannabe Joe Biden Has Reached Out To Donald Trump, Offering His Help In Developing A Strategy For Fighting The Coronavirus!
"Just ignore him," Barack Obama advised the president, "like I did."
CNN's Anchor Chris Cuomo Described To Viewers His Fight For Life Against The Fatal Coronavirus!
"First, I got a rash with little open sores all over my genitalia, then it began to burn when I urinated, and the constant drip, drip, drip that soiled my underwear drove me nuts."
Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age.
Sometimes age shows up all by itself.
Just like my mother-in-law.
Scientists Say Human Feces Can Be Used To Predict Coronavirus Outbreaks!
"Haven't we suffered enough?" the doctors and nurses in charge of handling the feces all groan in unison.
My mother-in-law could be a seismologist.
She's good at finding faults.
The Elderly Bernie Sanders Drops Out Of The Presidential Race!
"How can I run for president," he explains, "when I have to go to the bathroom every fifteen minutes?"
 Bernie Sanders Drops Out Of The Presidential Race!
"...Today I am announcing the suspension of my campaign," he announced to his supporters, "and I'm not just saying that because Whoopi Goldberg is holding a gun to my head."
"Please Do Not Politicize This. Unity Is The Only Option To Defeat This Virus," Dr. Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO (World Health Organization), pleads, reading from a sheet of paper Xi Jinping just handed to him.
Linda Tripp, The Clinton/Lewinski Sex Scandal Whistleblower, Has Died!
"I didn't do it, I wasn't there, and that's not me in the video," Hillary insists.
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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