The Week In Tweets: Special Same Old Crap Edition!

Fake News Reports!
Taking A Tentative Step Into The 21st Century, Saudi Arabia Bans Public Floggings!
"No more public FLOGGINGS!" a Saudi Official declares triumphantly. "You'll now have to beat your wife in private if you catch her reading a book."
With Nothing Better To Do While Quarantined, Celebrities Are Being Inspired By "Tiger King" And Taking "Big Cat Conservation" To Congress!
"Let's face it, there are some things more important than Human Trafficking," they say to themselves in the mirror.
FREE Coronavirus Testing Is Now Available To ALL L.A. County Residents!
"I'm here for a Coronavirus test."
"We're all out."
Taking A Tentative Step Into The 21st Century, Saudi Arabia Bans Public Floggings!
"No more public FLOGGINGS!" a Saudi official declares triumphantly. "You'll now have to beat your wife in private if you catch her reading a book."
The World Wonders, "If Kim Jong-Un Dies, Will His Sister Kim Yo Jong Be His Successor?"
"I hope so," says President Trump. "I can't wait to grab her by the..."
In The Proud Democratic Tradition, Presidential Wannabe Joe Biden denies Sexually Assaulting His Former Senate Staffer Tara Reade In 1993!
Well, I'm glad THAT'S settled.
As Part Of His Plan To Fight The Coronavirus Pandemic, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Is Banning 1,500 "Assault-Style" Firearm Models!
Former Republican, U.S. Representative Justin Amash From Michigan, Has Decided To Run For President As A Third Party Candidate!
"If anybody wants to accuse me of sexual assault," he declared, "NOW'S the time."
Presidential Wannabe Joe Biden Says His Vice-Presidential Pick Will Be A WOMAN!
Hey, Joe, didn't you vote for legislation making sexual discrimination illegal?
Taking A Cue From Fifty Shades, The FOURTH Book In The Twilight Trilogy Will Be Released This Summer!
"Everybody wants to read the same old crap," says author Stephanie Meyers as she laughs all the way to the bank.
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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