The Week In Tweets: Special Blackout Tuesday Edition!

Fake News Reports!

Forbes Business Magazine Reveals That Kylie Jenner Is NOT A Billionaire!!
"No, but she does have a big..."

The state of California to Elon Musk: "We refuse to let you open your Tesla plant."
Elon Musk to the state of California: "In that case, I'm moving my plant to Texas."
The State of California to Fake News: "We've come to an agreement with Elon Musk."
You see Tito's premium vodka.
I see hand sanitizer.
Who knew Carly Simon's hit song You're So Vain was about Donald Trump?
In A CNN Interview With Don Lemon, Jane Fonda PRAISES The George Floyd Rioters & Looters!
"You ARE staying out of MY neighborhood," she asked the African-American host. "Right?"
Former President Barack Obama Urges Those Angered By The Death Of George Floyd To Focus Their Energy In Voting The Do-Nothing Politicians Responsible For This Mess Out Of Office!
But these riots are mostly happening in cities run by Democrats.
"Uh... you didn't let me finish."
"Why Doesn't America Love Us, Too?" LeBron James Tweets From His Multi-Million Dollar Mansion.
Today (06-02-20) Is BLACKOUT TUESDAY!
Hey, where are the sales?
Presidential Wannabe Joe Biden, Who's Been In Office Since The 1970s, Promises: "THIS Time I'll Do Something"!
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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