The Week In Tweets: Special Great News Edition!
Fake News Reports!
Look at that full moon!
I can practically hear my ex howling.
I just saw the Oprah Winfrey interview with The Royal Formerly Known As Prince Harry & Meghan Markle.
You know, there was a time when the English conquered the world.
Now they just whine to the world.
When my ex wanted us to renew our vows, I asked her:
"Why make the same mistake twice?"
My favorite exercise is the Diddly-Squat.
The Royal Formerly Known As Prince Harry & Meghan Markle ask for everyone to please respect their privacy...
...except when it comes to watching their high-profile interviews.
Great News!
The CDC has given their permission for fully vaccinated people to socialize with other fully vaccinated people without having to use masks.
Now all I need is to find fully vaccinated people I like enough to socialize with.
I'm not hard of hearing.
I'm TIRED of hearing.
Musical artist The Weeknd--renowned for his spelling abilities--announces that from this day forward he will boycott the Grammys!
"...for as long as it helps my record sales."
I bought a waterbed at the John Gotti estate sale...
There was a body at the bottom of it.
Green Eggs And Ham?
Dr. Seuss must have a refrigerator like mine.
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee
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