The Week In Tweets: Special Spring Breaking Edition!

Fake News Reports!

The trick to being a romantic is knowing when to lie.

Miami Beach Police Immediately Stand Down After Unruly Spring Breakers

Ceverly Identify Themselves As Antifa & Black Lives Matter!

Fake News Media Blames Recent Rise In Asian Hate Crimes On Donald Trump Because...

"...that's just what we do."

Funny how the Mexican border has opened up and the state of California still hasn't.

What's "Dong. DING-Dong."?

James Bond's doorbell.

Sharon Osborne: “I’m asking you, can you tell me one thing Pierce Morgan has said that is racist?”
Sheryl Underwood: “No.”
CBS: “You’ve gone too far, Sharon. You’re FIRED!”

If there are 20 million stories in the naked city,
how come I can’t even get a paragraph started?

Just because a relationship is doomed at the spiritual level,

that doesn’t mean it can’t flourish at the financial level.

I was having a great time, but then it turned into a bad time.
I guess that averages out to a good time.

I don’t complain about everything.
I’d LIKE to, but there’s never enough time.

American Chimpanzee




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