The Week In Tweets: Special The Perfect Sport Edition!

 Fake News Reports!

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says G-7 nations all swear on their pinkies to give 1 billion Trump vaccine doses to poorer countries.
   “You don’t mind picking up the tab for that, do you, United States? We’ll pay you back later.”


The San Francisco Chronicle Wonders If The City By The Bay Will Be The First To Achieve Herd Immunity!
   Um… and which social disease are we talking about, San Francisco?

The Washington Post Reports A Houston-Based Hospital System Suspended  Workers Who Did Not Comply With Their Vaccine Mandate!
   That’s okay.
   I didn’t really want to clean out all those bedpans anyway.

Lord, grant me the ability to avoid the people I don’t like, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

My wife found a suppository in my ear.
   Now she’s asking me where I put my hearing aid.
@elriobravo replied: “Be glad she didn’t find a rectal thermometer in your shirt pocket, ‘cause then we’d know where your pen is.”

To which I said: “…which explains my trip to the ER.”

 Soccer is the perfect sport for ugly virgins.
   You don’t get to use your hands and you almost never score.

The G7 Came To An Uncomfortable Conclusion When Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Donned Blackface To Bid Everyone A Theatrical Adieu! 

Greg Zanetti Throws His Hat Into New Mexico’s 2022 Governor Race!
   “First thing I’m going to do,” he promises, “is change my last name.”

Kamala Harris Invites Every Single Female Senator To Dinner At The Naval Observatory!
   “Maybe one of them can tell me what to do about the border crisis.”

The New York Times Interviews Dr. Shi Zhengli, A Virologist From China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, And She Says…
...technical difficulties...please stand by...

Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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