The Week In Tweets: Special A Naked Cher Edition!

 Fake News Reports!

I didn’t go to any New Year’s Eve parties.
   I can sit around with people looking at their phones at home.
I see No Time To Die is trending.
How can it be called No Time To Die when James Bond finds the time to die at the end?
Harry Potter Cast Reunites After 20 Years In HBO’s Return To Hogwarts Special!
Unsurprisingly, without JK Rowling writing their lines, they have nothing interesting to say.
The Miley Cyrus-Pete Davidson New Year’s Eve Special FLOPS On NBC!
   “That Pete Davidson’s the kiss of death,” the former Hannah Montana complains, “and STDs.”
Watching New Year’s Eve Live: Nashville’s Big Bash, I couldn’t help but notice that the white country group Lady Antebellum succeeded in stealing the name of the black female blues singer Lady A.
The Wall Street Journal Wants You To Meet The Children Whose Parents Named Them After Characters In The Harry Potter Series!
Uh… maybe you should come back after they’ve stopped crying.
As Omicron Cases Surge, Politicians Are Encouraging Everyone to Wear The KN95 Mask From Hope Health Supply!
“And it has nothing to do with the bribes they’ve been paying us,” they assure the public.
I’m not saying my grandfather is old, because he still chases women, he just forgets what for.
I’m not saying the economy is bad, but I’m learning a trade so I can say what kind of work I’m out of.
I See “The Big Lie” Is Trending!
What’s CNN done now?
Telegraph Fashion Quotes The 75-Year-Old Cher As Saying: “You don’t have to be naked to look great.”
Trust me, Cher, no one wants to see you naked.
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
read my RaisingDad humor column for caregivers at Desert Exposure Magazine


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