A Story By My Granddaughter

 a story by my 9-year-old granddaughter

An Afterlife For Me On The Titanic

By Addison Olivia Duchene


There I was, screaming, terrified, waiting. Just waiting to drown. My pets and friends… I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye.

     I was hanging on to the pole right next to me, trying to hold myself up. My hands were sweaty and I let go. Trying to push myself up, I just drowned in the ocean. 

     The water was freezing cold and dark. Like a shadow came over me. I couldn’t hold my breath any longer, so I was suffocating. Then I saw a light, And the next thing I knew I died. 

     Then I was alive, but angry, sad, and confused. 

     Why was I alive? 

     I realized I was a ghost and wanted to get revenge on boats. Then I tried to find my body, but it was buried in the ocean floor. Then I realized I was alone.

     I tried to find other ghosts like me, but I did remember I was alone. I waited years to find an iceberg, and I found one. Then I found boats to hit with the iceberg so that they can suffer the pain I went through.




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