Dear John: Special Willie Nelson Edition!

Hard Core Advice From
Hard Core's Hardest Core... John Leslie!

Dear John,
     I'm 65-years-old, recently divorced, and dating again after 20 years. Since I can't get pregnant my boyfriend doesn't want to wear a condom...
     ...but doesn't that put me at risk of an STD?
Dear Wondering,
As close as you are to death, does it really matter?
Dear John,
     My husband and I have sex often, but he rarely kisses me passionately anymore, and I miss it. What happened?
     --What Happened?
Dear What,
You got old.
Dear John,
     Sometimes during yoga, I feel like I might orgasm. Am I a freak?
Dear Deaky,

Confidential to Country Fan:
I agree. The last thing a girl orally servicing Willie Nelson wants to hear is him saying, "I'm not Willie Nelson."
American Chimpanzee


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