The Week In Tweets: Special Who's The Biggest Drunk? Tweets!

Kim Jong-un Facts:
North Korea's Kim Jong-un is happy to be the George Constanza to China's Jerry Seinfeld.
President Trump and the Democratic Party sound like two drunks in a bar arguing over who's the biggest drunk.
North Korea vows "thousand-fold" revenge on U.S. over U.N. sanctions.
"That's one fold for every pound I weigh," says the well-fed Kim Jong-un.
A Salt Lake City elementary school uses goats instead of gardeners.
Why goats?
"Because they smell better," explains a spokesman for the school district.
Tulsa, Oklahoma!
THREE twisters hit state, declare forecasters!
"We're never more accurate than when we're reporting on what just happened."
El Paso County commissioners raising taxes 8% while El Paso City Council approves $69 million in spending!
Hmm... what is wrong with that picture?
Trump is "bereft of reason," says North Korea's Kim Jong-un, "and I should know because so am I."
Scientists in Argentina find dinosaur as heavy as a 737!
"We should clean under our refrigerator more often," they admit, sheepishly.
American Chimpanzee


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