Dear John: Special Not A Stalker Edition!

Hard Core Advice
From Hard Core’s Hardest Core...
John Leslie!
Dear John,
     I am in my 80s.
     From time to time, when I have tried to contact a dear friend or distant relative, I find that they have recently passed away.
     Don't you think it would be a good idea for older people to make a short list of people we want contacted in case of a serious illness or death?
     So many times our survivors have no idea who some of our friends are or how to contact them.
Dear Caring,
I 've seen their lists, and you weren't on them.
Dear John,
     I have been married to a loving and supportive man for 15 years. We have been through a lot together and, for the most part, have been OK. My problem is my son, "Kyle."
     Yes, I know Kyle is a liar, and, yes, he needs help for his drug habit... but he is still my son!
     My husband told me I either need to tell Kyle he is not welcome in our home or our marriage is over, so I gave him back my wedding ring. I refuse to tell my son he can no longer come over and steal from us.
     What do I do now?
     I don't want to lose my husband, but I refuse to lose my worthless son as well.
Dear Torn,
If your son went from being a drug user to being a drug dealer, he'd be a business entrepreneur, and entrepreneurs are welcome everywhere.
Dear John,
     I recently graduated from college, and I had difficulty finding employment. However, I was just offered a position far better than anything I could have asked for. The problem is my partner, "Bruce."
     Bruce graduated a semester before I did, and he's still without a job. He applies for dozens of jobs a day, gets at least one interview a week, nd then he never hears from them again. He has become increasingly frustrated about his inability to find employment in his field, and recently has been projecting his frustration on our relationship.
     I want to be able to celebrate my accomplishment with my partner. I need Bruce's support for me over this new position, but I'm torn because every time I tell him a new detail about it, he punches me in the face.
     What can I do"
Dear Working,
Tell him to get over it.
Confidential to Not A Stalker:
I've called the police, and they know who you are.
American Chimpanzee


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