The Week In Tweets: Special Baby Monitor Edition!

Does my baby ever wake me up in the middle of the night with its crying?
Not since I unplugged the baby monitor.
My wife hasn't talked to me in WEEKS!
All because of something I read in the Bible that I put into action.
I read: "Ask, that ye shall receive."
Nothing is impossible.
As long as I don't have to do it myself.
I say last is best.
The last donut.
The last cookie.
The last beer.
That is, as long as I'm the one who gets it.
Life can be separated into two parts:
1) Sleeping, and
2) Wishing you were asleep.
I never forget a face.
In your case, I'll make an exception.
I was with my Anger Management Group last night.
God, those people piss me off.
A new study has determined that people can live healthier, happier lives IF they can just ignore those pesky new studies.
Some drivers should be restrained by straight jackets instead of seat belts.
I never met a man I didn't like.
In your case, I'll make an exception.
American Chimpanzee


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