The Week In Tweets: Special How-The-World-Ends Edition!

Fake News Reports!
Presidential Wannabe Mayor Pete Buttigieg Drops Out Of Democratic Race, Admitting...
"I never really had a chance, did I?"
Global Deaths Due To The Coronavirus Surpasses Three THOUSAND People!
In a world of 8 billion, I can see why Wall Street is panicking.
Coronavirus Embarrassed After Finding Out How Many More People The Flu Has Killed Worldwide!
Democratic Presidential Wannabes Condemn President Trump For Not Being Prepared For When The Sun Explodes In 7.5 Billion Years!
The Number Of Migrants And Refugees Heading Toward Europe Could Climb Into The MILLIONS!
"Is it too late to build a bridge to America?" Europe wants to know.
How Badly Did Presidential Wannabe Mike Bloomberg Do On Super Tuesday?
I was 45 delegates away from beating him and I wasn't even running.
In The Aftermath Of A Disappointing Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders Delivers A Campaign Update From His Burlington, Vermont Headquarters!
"Yeah, I'm still a nut," he admits.
Failed Presidential Wannabe The Billionaire Mike Bloomberg Believes His Money & Media Savvy Could STILL Influence The 2020 Election Because...
" sure worked for me."
Why Is Billionaire Bill Gates Afraid Of The Coronavirus?
"I'm afraid of everything," he admits, trembling in his loafers.
Six Word Horror Story:
Special How-The-World-Ends Edition!
"Coronavirus, Schmaronavirus... not missing my flight!"
American Chimpanzee


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