The Week In Tweets: Special Nazi Flag-Free Edition!

Fake News Reports!
The United States Hits The Taliban With The First Airstrike Since The Peace Deal!
"You've got this backwards," a Taliban spokesman complained bitterly. "WE are the ones who break peace treaties."
United States Death Toll Rises To FOURTEEN With California's FIRST Coronavirus Fatality!
The unlucky victim?
Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign.
A Federal Judge Slams Attorney General William Barr's Handling Of Special Prosecutor Mueller's Report As "Misleading"!
"NEVER TRUMP!" he cried, as he ordered an independent non-biased review.
A Nazi Flag At A Bernie Sanders Rally Sparks Outrage And Concerns About Public Safety!
"Okay, so I won't bring my flag anymore," a disappointed Bernie says, giving in.
Ronan Farrow Cuts Ties With The Hachette Book Group For Its Upcoming Publication Of Woody Allen's Memoirs!
"Who's Ronan Farrow?" wonders Hachette Books.
Doctors Warn That The Coronavirus Is Constantly Mutating!
I hope mine mutates into a puppy.
"I Believe In Joe..." Kamala Harris Explains As She Throws Her Endorsement Behind The Former Vice-President!
"...but then, I ALSO believed I could win."
Nature's way of telling you you're not fat enough.
It Is NOT True That Harvey Weinstein, While He Was In The Prison Infirmary, Was Exposed To The Deadly Coronavirus!
No, it was Harvey Weinstein who exposed HIMSELF to the Coronavirus.
My wife asked me to get her the chapstick from her purse, but I grabbed the glue stick by mistake.
She STILL isn't talking to me.
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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