The Week In Tweets: Special The Nobis Edition!

  Fake News Reports!

Even at my age I have no problem touching my toes.

Getting back up is the problem.

I feel so relaxed today. So at peace with myself. Content and carefree.

I wonder what's wrong?

CNN's Pro-Biden Anderson Cooper Compared The U.S. Capitol Protesters To The Bosnian & Rwandan Genocides.

Disney+'s Pro-Trump Gina Carano Compared Today's Treatment Of Conservatives To That Of The Jews Before The Holocaust.

Guess which one got fired.

I'm not saying my ex is lazy, but she refuses to go to AA meetings

because she hears there are 12 steps.

Meghan Markle Is Queen Victorious In Her Privacy Lawsuit Against UK's Associated Newspapers!

"Now, if I can just get Harry to leave me alone."

Amazon's Jeff Bezos Has Given Away $1.4 Billion Since 2000...

...and none of it to me.

If you ask me, the two major things in life are sex and death.

And it's the wrong one that lasts forever.

These days, the one good thing about nightmares is they're preferable to reality.

God is silent.

So why couldn't I ever get my ex to shut up?

#TheNobis recommends you wear a blindfold along with your mask

so you can't see what we're doing.

Jim Duchene

Fake News Chief Correspondent


American Chimpanzee




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