The Week In Tweets: Special The Worms Edition!
The Nobis
"Nos enim humus."
#TheNobis reminds you:
Just because you're paranoid, that doesn't mean we're NOT keeping track of you.
I used to think humans were worms in God's great cosmic plan.
Then I remembered, in the end, it's the worms who win.
#TheNobis believes there is a type of shared intelligence connection the human race.
Fortunately, it's not high enough to pass a typical civil service exam.
Rush Limbaugh discovered that the trouble with posterity is, by the time you have it,
it's too late to rub it in anyone's face.
#TheNobis reminds you that political is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized
against the productive but unorganized.
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee
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