The Week In Tweets: Special Three Things Edition!

 A medical study reports that men who eat ten pizzas a week are less likely to develop prostate problems.

However, they ARE more likely to develop size 52 pants.


There was a child psychologist who wrote a book called “Ten Rules For Raising Children.”

When she had kids of her own, she wrote a book called “Ten Suggestions For Raising Children.”

And when her kids became teenagers she quit writing books.


The Los Angeles Times reports that last March the California National Guard feared an F-15C fighter jet would be illegally used to frighten protesters!

“Yeah, we’re afraid of a lot of imaginary things that never happen.”


I love the Oscars.

Way to pat yourselves on the back, guys.


Three things that were wrong with the Oscars:

1) The beginning,

2) The ending,

3) And everything in the middle.


ET Canada reports that the Oscar producers had “a very good reason” for not letting Sir Anthony Hopkins give his Best Actor acceptance speech via Zoom.

“We looked, and noticed (Um… how do I put this delicately?) he wasn’t Chadwick Boseman.”


The CDC has announced that people who are fully vaccinated DO NOT have to wear a mask when outside...

“...unless they’re really, really ugly.”


Scienstrology’s Three Laws Of Prosperity:

If you want to be healthy, give me your illness.

If you want to be happy, give me your sadness.

If you want to be wealthy, give me your money.

Jim Duchene

Chief Scienstrologist

American Chimpanzee




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