The Week In Tweets: Special Tiny Handcuffs Edition!


  The Senate has passed the Coronavirus Hate Crimes bill.
  I understand the need for such a bill, but where are they going to get handcuffs that tiny?

Stanford Medicine released a statement yesterday strongly supporting the use of face masks to control the spread of COVID-19.
Better late than never, Stanford... I guess.


Political Insider reports that government staffers are burnt out, traumatized, and heading for the door after a trying, trying year.
“I guess I was wrong,” says a disappointed Charles Darwin, spinning in his grave.


Bloomberg Quicktake asks the question: The rich are getting richer, but are they getting happier?
“You bet we are!” they all confirm in unison.


The Financial Times wonders why the Russians are abandoning the International Space Station.
“You’ll find out when that garbage scow comes crashing to the earth!” 


Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a drought emergency in his state of California…

“…or, you can say, it’s just another Thursday.”

American Chimpanzee




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