The Week In Tweets: Special Most Dangerous Man In The World Edition!

 Fake News Reports!

Insider News Warns Us That Overwhelmingly White Juries Will Determine The Kyle Rittenhouse & Ahmaud Arbery Trials!
Two more contested outcomes?
When did fake news media start to sound like Trump?
Mark Hamill—Mr. Luke Skywalker Himself—Rips Aaron Rodgers A New Black Hole For Wearing A Star Wars Sweatshirt!
“Oh, it has my picture on it?”
The Telegraph Is Reporting That Biden’s America Is Warning The European Union To Prepare For A Russian Invasion Of The Ukraine!
“Putin’s YOUR problem, suckas.”
Prosecution Delivers Powerful Closing Argument To Jury In The Rittenhouse Self-Defense Trial!
“We are so sorry for wasting your time.”
Dateline: Kenosha, Wisconsin 
Kyle Rittenhouse—The Most Dangerous Man In The World—Is Allowed To Stand Next To Judge Schroeder During His Self-Defense Trial Without Any Security Or Shackles Or Objections From The Prosecution!
There were no survivors.
New Mexico Museum Of Indian Arts & Culture Name Trailblazing Pueblo Cochiti Potter Virgil Ortiz A Living Treasure!
“Oh, goodie!” salivates Secretary of the Treasury Janet Louise Yellen. “ANOTHER ‘treasure’ I can tax.”
Black Lives Matter Threatens More Rioting, Looting, & Violence If Kyle Rittenhouse Is Acquitted!
  “No white man shoots 3 black men, killing 2 of them, without serious repercussions.”
Um… you do know the thugs who got shot were white, don’t you?
“No way, man! The news would have told us!”
Beto O’Rourke Announces He’s Running… 
For Kenosha, Wisconsin District Attorney!
“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15!”
A Reuters Fact Check Has Determined A Bill Gates Quote Where He "Admitted" Covid Vaccines Aren't Effective Were Taken Out Of Context!
"What I actually said was 'Covid vaccines aren't effective,'" the billionaire philanthropist clarified.
Things That Make Me Go Hmm…
Why do we have only 2 political parties but 26 different brands of bottled water to choose from?
Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
read my RaisingDad humor column for caregivers at Desert Exposure Magazine


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