The Week In Tweets: Special Ergo Ego Edition!

 Fake News Reports!

It’s the weekend.
I think I’ll take off my ego, put on my bathing suit, and go to the pool.

When Texas Democrats Escaped To Washington DC On Monday They Took Along Their Integrity And A Case Of Miller Light!
Man, I guess graft doesn’t pay what it used to.

A White Penn State Professor Singles Out White Student & Ridicules Him In Front Of His Fellow College Students For Being White And Benefiting From His Whiteness!
   Will this professor quit so a black professor can take his place?
“Heck no,” he wokes.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Uses Federal Cash To Boost Unemployment Fund!
“Why doesn’t anyone want to go back to work,” the governor lamented as he signed the order.

New Mexico Regulators Investigate San Juan Generating Station’s Cooling Tower Collapse!
“Yep, it’s collapsed,” they confirm.

New Mexico Paid $1.5 MILLION To Advertise The State During Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space Flight!
“New Mexico?” mused Lord Xenu, Scientology’s Favorite Dictator of the Galactic Confederacy. “Seems like a nice place.”

New Mexico’s Space Industry Program Is Now Accepting Applications!
Good thing I identify as an astronaut.

At night, when I look into the infinity of the night sky, it makes me feel small and insignificant.
But not as much as my mother-in-law does.

My wife and I are sending her mother on a trip for her birthday.
We can use the vacation.

Believe it or not, I like it when my mother-in-law visits us on Sunday.
It makes the rest of the week seem so much better by comparison.

Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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