The Week In Tweets: Special The View Edition!

 Fake News Reports!

After Four Trying Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Cuckoo Cackle-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying my co-hosts are stupid,” she explained, “but it takes them FOUR hours to watch 60 Minutes.”

After Four Long Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Nasty Nag-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying Whoopi Goldberg is stupid,” she explained, “but she thinks a quarterback’s a refund.

After Four Difficult Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Poopy Pooper-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying my co-hosts are stupid,” she explained, “but they got fired from their job at the M & M factory for throwing out all the W’s.”

After Four Vacuous Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Vicious Vomit-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying Joy Behar is stupid,” she explained, “but they had to burn down the school to get her out of second grade.”

After Four Draining Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Frumpy Flatulence-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying my co-hosts are stupid,” she explained, “but they think Johnny Cash is a pay toilet.”

After Four Taxing Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Putrid Puke-Fest The View!
   “I’m not saying Sara Haines is stupid,” she explained, “but when Judge Judy said, ‘Order in the court!’ she asked for a burger and fries.”

After Four Frustrating Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Yammering Yak-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying my co-hosts are stupid,” she explained, “but you could lock them in a grocery store and they’d starve to death.”

After Four Toxic Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Boring Crap-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying Sunny Hostin is stupid,” she explained, “but she puts lipstick on her forehead to make up her mind.”

After Four Spirit-Breaking Years, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Osteo Porosis-Fest The View!
“I’m not saying my co-hosts are stupid,” she explained, “but The Three Stooges watch them and take notes.

After Four Years She’ll Never Get Back, Meghan McCain Leaves ABC’s Stink, Stank, Stunk-Fest Of A Show, The View!
   “I’m not saying Baba Wawa is stupid,” she explained, “but when thieves stole her TV, she chased after them, shouting ‘Wait, you forgot the remote!’”

Jim Duchene
Fake News Chief Correspondent
American Chimpanzee


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