Dear John: Special Unexpected Sex Edition!

Hard Core Advice From
Hard Core's Hardest Core... John Leslie!
Dear John,
     How do I get my husband to stop doing something I don't like when we're having sex?"
Dear Sore,
     Pretend you enjoy it.
Dear Christian,
     Should guys groom, you know... down there?
Dear Sasquatch,
     Of course men should nip and tuck and trim and groom.
     When you get an erection, you don't want it to look like Pinocchio joined the Taliban.
Dear Christian,
     How can I make my wife scream during sex?
Dear Curious,
     When you're having sex, call her and tell her about it.
Confidential to Surprised:
Unexpected sex is a great way to be woken up.
Unless you're in prison.
  American Chimpanzee


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