The Week In Tweets: Special Anti-Beard Canadians Edition!

Fake News Reports!
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Is Greeting The New Year With A Beard!
And, no, I'm not talking about his wife.
Justin Trudeau, Canada's Blackface-Wearing Prime Minister, Is Moonwalking Into 2020 With A New Beard!
"I think it makes me look like Isaac Hayes," he says, gushing like a little girl.
This Just In!
One Dead And Three Injured In Ottawa Mass Shooting!
Man, those anti-beard Canadians really take Justin Trudeau's new facial hair-growth seriously.
Iran's Supreme Leader Wept Bitter Tears Over The Death Of His Favorite Terrorist Qassem Soleimani!
"Maybe blowing up a bus full of innocent children will help me feel better," he sobbed into his pillow.
Marijuana Prosecutions Have Dropped By Half In Texas!
Yeah... and if you legalize murder you'd be surprised how fast the murder rate would go down, too. 
U.S. Officials "Confident" Iran Shot Down Ukrainian Flight 752 With An Anti-Aircraft Missile!
"Hurray!" Fake News correspondents cheer. "THAT'S sticking it to President Trump!"
SIXTY-THREE Canadians Were Among The Dead When Ukrainian Flight 752 Was Shot Down In Iran!
"That's PEOPLEnadians," the newly bearded Justin Trudeau corrected smugly.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Says IRAN Shot Down Ukrainian Flight 752 With A Surface-To-Air Missile Killing SIXTY-THREE Canadians!
And are you going to do anything?
"Just as soon as I find my shoe polish."
Fake News Wonders!
Justin Trudeau...
Why a beard?
And why now?
"Have you ever tried putting on blackface while wearing a beard?" the Canadian Prime Minister answered in a teachably woke moment. "Can't be done."
Justin Trudeau Says The Shooting Down Of Ukrainian Flight 752 May Have Been "Unintentional"!
Let me repeat that...
He thinks TERRORISTS shooting down a Boeing 737 with an anti-aircraft missile might be UNINTENTIONAL.
Democrats immediately ask him to run for president.
American Chimpanzee


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