The Week In Tweets: Special CollegeHumor Edition!

Fake News Reports!
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"Will write jokes for food."
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"Hey, mom, is my old room still available?"
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"Can someone tell me the best restaurant dumpsters to eat out of?"
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"First Bowie... now THIS."
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"Honey, is it too late to talk you into an abortion?"
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"Who knew Qassem Soleimani was secretly keeping it afloat?"
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"But, Sleepy Joe, I don't WANT to learn how to code."
Lost My Job At CollegeHumor.
"So much for my White Privilege."

American Chimpanzee


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